

I'm happy, yet confused. Happy that I finally figured out how to post videos on here, confused because my original intentions for this post have gone from Jesus to the Backstreet Boys to this awesome guitarist (see video).

I wanted to tell you about a vision I had about a year ago, I was still pretty messed up from my brain blowout, I was laying on the couch one day praying, and I saw Jesus in a beautiful vision, He was laughing! With me! Not at me.

And it was so hillarious that I started laughing too. You could see the joy in His eyes, and He was laughing as in, trying to keep it all in, it wasn't some nerdy wholesome laugh, no, it was more like when you're laughing in school or church or even a funeral. The kind that you can't stop. And I felt His joy and peace, and He comforted me, and I heard in my spirit that it doesn't matter who we are, or what we've done...... as long as we love Him! And that's what was so funny I think! It was the lyrics to that Backstreet Boys song, and I think He knew I would think that was funny, which I did. But the refrain of that song is exactly what He said!

"I don't care who you are
Or where you're from
What you did
As long as you love Me"

So I was looking just now for that video, but found instead a bunch of funny spoofs on it, I've been sitting here with some tea cracking up at these guys imitating the poor Backstreet Boys, who I do like, and not only them but NSync. I can't help it. Even though it goes against everything I stand for. Which is basically liking anything popular. That's one reason why I avoid the radio, at least current stuff, and lay low and slink around the low channels such as 92.5 and also that newish one called The Range. Stuff like that. Then, about a decade later, the current stuff becomes classic rock, and that's when I'll get into it. Staying about a decade behind keeps me in check with my whole stance on being anti-everything. Wait.. what was I saying?

Oh! When looking through the Backstreet Boys videos I found THIS GUY!!!!! And he is really something! Never mind the fact that the end of his guitar looks like one of those caveman weapons! (The club with the spikes.)