

This will be my last blog.

No I don't mean THIS post, I mean, as in, this is my last stop. Forever. I know I've said that a million times but I only have so many brain cells and if they get spread too thin it's not a good thing. And my life is on the ever-lovin' verge of change, as we speak. It's teetering, like

...what teeters? Other than a teeter-totter?

The poor kid who never wants to come home is crying right now, I can hear him. I think he's in the bedroom right below me. This poor kid seems to always be crying. I guess a little bit of crying is alright and good for the soul but he's only 2. I want to yell through the floor at the mom to go pick up her baby and hold him. But then she'd shout back, Then stop taking showers at midnight!

So I'm just going to fill this li'l gem on up with all my stuff for the next few weeks I suppose till it just can't take it anymore. I'm gonna own this blog. That's right. Gonna fill it to the brim with my mental bread & butter. My verbal cornucopia. My hypothetical love muffins, lightly browned on top and just a dash of brown sugar.

And then I'm going to turn and walk away, like I always do.

And I will have then accomplished my mission: to record this beautiful and bizarre time of my life. This has been a once in a lifetime experience. I did slip through the cracks, yes, but they were good cracks and the fall has been cushioned and I lack nothing. Even though I own nothing. Well heck. Lookie there. What a perfect ending. Maybe I should just leave it at that?